Day 23 : Random Gen5 Pokemon (feat a livestreaming Aria Meloetta)

Because of the virus, she can't have her tours completed ...
So she started a livestream channel ! Seems to work well !!
[Reminder : Til 26th, it'll be Mythical-only for me, self-added rule !]

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Pokécember Day 22: Pikaclone

My gf pointed out that Makuhita looks like it could be a Fighting-type "pikachu," so I went with that!

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Dia 21/22: Lendário favorito/Calyrex se atrapalhando

Calyrex não gostou do Spectrier nem do Glastrier e decidiu que quer montar um Suicune, o problema mesmo é montar.

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Day 22 of features Marill, drawn by for the Pikablu here is very cute, be sure to give it lots of head pats.

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Minty favorite Single Evolution is She's super cute and almost considered 2-in-1 Pokemon. I have loved this Pokemon as a kid and I love its Mega form.

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Pokecember Day 22 - Favorite GMax

The extra fire, especially the flaming wings, just look sooo cool all together

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Pokécember Day 21: Baby Pokémon!

A little unconventional, but I wanted to draw the baby Kangaskhan this time. 🦘💙

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Day21: Baby
Chingling リーシャン
Budew スボミー

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Pokecember 18 & 19 - Fairy and Starter

wow im so bad at posting

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Minty favorite Galarian is All of the Galar Birds are cool but my favorite is Zapdos! The new take and look suits Zapdos so well.

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Pokecember Day 21 - Favorite Mega

I was glad that banette was given some love in the form of a mega evo, I had a shiny one back in the x and y days that I used often

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Day 21 : Random Gen3 Pokemon (feat a warlike Deoxys)

It was ... harder than expected, not gonna lie ! At least I'm happy with my Shadow Ball :D
[Reminder : Til 26th, it'll be Mythical-only for me, self-added rule !]

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Day 17: Random Dragon type!

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