Minty absolutely favorite is Scolipede hits all my boxes for best Pokemon: Poison-type; Variety of strong moves; Lots of speed; Centipede-body; Large enough to ride on. Best Pokemon ever (imho).

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Day 31 and LAST DAY : Random Galarian Pokemon (feat a threatening Runerigus)
I guessed it counted as a Galarian form, like it's a regional evolution of a Galarian Pokemon ... heh !

And with that, I finished the challenge ! It was funny :3
Might repost my favs !

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Day 30 of features Jumpluff, drawn by for the Wherever the wind goes it follows...but not in like an edgy loner kind of way, it's just too light weight to not be picked up by the wind. Very cute!

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Minty favorite memory is when I was training my Zubat in D/P. I hate friendship evolution so I gave it a Soothe Bell. However, my loved me so much that when it evolved into it immediately evolved into

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Pokecember Day 30 - Favorite Fossil

A close race between Archeops and Cradilly, was actually gonna draw the former at first, but Cradilly just has a little more nostalgia going for them

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Day 30 : Random Alolan Pokemon (feat a lost Alolan Marowak)

It seems unharmed and alone ... who knows what happened ? Maybe it's from a rescue team and it lost its partner ? Or it's from the main series and simply wanders, lost in the Mt Lanakila ?

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Pokécember Day 28: Legendary

BTW, Mewtwo looked amazing in Detective Pikachu! 💜

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Pokécember Day 27 (I fell behind again shhh): Pseudo-Legendary!

Kommo-o is a fighty boy 💪👹

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Minty favorite legendary is Mew is a very simple design but has tons of personality! Love the movie and I have a little shrine dedicated to Mew.

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Pokecember Day 29 - Favorite Baby Pokemon

Trying something different. Man, watching someone try to shade with paint like brushes, and actually trying it out is an interesting experience.
Gonna keep practicing ofc, so I can get better and better at it!

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Day 29 : Random Gigantamax Pokemon (feat a determined Gigantamax Cinderace)

r/expectedgurrenlagann, amirite ?! :D
Yea, nothing else to say really ... except the fact I know how to recolor black linearts now ! My Dynamax clouds are so freaking pretty !!

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Minty favorite Dynamax is I didn't want to repeat for this challenge but I love this rollercoaster-like giant of a Pokemon.

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Day 28 of features Meltan, drawn by Tamame on Facebook for the This adorable nut has a wrench for you, hopefully it won't put a wrench in your plans today.

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Pokecember Day 28 - Favorite Pseudo Legendary

One of my favorite pokemon in general, I absolutely loooove Dragapults design, and the concept of firing Dreepy out like missiles is pretty funny

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Day 28 : Random Mega Pokemon (feat a training Mega Gardevoir)

She even protected herself by putting herself in a Light Screen-made Box ! Or did she just used Trick Room ? Who knows ... At least she's protecting everyone !

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Pokécember Day 26: Regional Variant

Galarian Yamask! Yamask but it's purple. The method to evolve it is weirdly specific and I'm not sure how people can figure it out without looking up a guide, but the weirdness is part of why I love it even more. 💜👻

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Day 27 of features Silvally, drawn by for the Silvally has come to give you a big slash. Big slash for a big friend.

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Minty favorite Mega is I always wanted Beedrill on my team but I couldn't bc they're not very strong. But I can with Mega Beedrill! The design is so amazing and cool.

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