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#PokeCember #PokeCember2020 days 1-4! Normal, Fire, Water, & Electric
Minty #Pokecember💜My absolutely favorite #Pokemon is #Scolipede. Scolipede hits all my boxes for best Pokemon: Poison-type; Variety of strong moves; Lots of speed; Centipede-body; Large enough to ride on. Best Pokemon ever (imho).
#Pokecember2020 #PKMN
Day 31 and LAST DAY : Random Galarian Pokemon (feat a threatening Runerigus) #pokecember2020
I guessed it counted as a Galarian form, like it's a regional evolution of a Galarian Pokemon ... heh !
And with that, I finished the challenge ! It was funny :3
Might repost my favs !
Day 30 of #Pokecember2020 features Jumpluff, drawn by @vidapon for the #UpdatedPokérap! Wherever the wind goes it follows...but not in like an edgy loner kind of way, it's just too light weight to not be picked up by the wind. Very cute!
#Pokemon #PokemonArt #artistsontwitter
Minty #Pokecember💜My favorite #Pokemon memory is when I was training my Zubat in D/P. I hate friendship evolution so I gave it a Soothe Bell. However, my #Zubat loved me so much that when it evolved into #Golbat, it immediately evolved into #Crobat.
#Pokecember2020 #PKMN
Pokecember Day 30 - Favorite Fossil
A close race between Archeops and Cradilly, was actually gonna draw the former at first, but Cradilly just has a little more nostalgia going for them
Day 30 : Random Alolan Pokemon (feat a lost Alolan Marowak) #pokecember2020
It seems unharmed and alone ... who knows what happened ? Maybe it's from a rescue team and it lost its partner ? Or it's from the main series and simply wanders, lost in the Mt Lanakila ?
Pokécember Day 28: Legendary
BTW, Mewtwo looked amazing in Detective Pikachu! 💜
Pokécember Day 27 (I fell behind again shhh): Pseudo-Legendary!
Kommo-o is a fighty boy 💪👹
Minty #Pokecember❤️My favorite legendary #Pokemon is #Mew. Mew is a very simple design but has tons of personality! Love the movie and I have a little shrine dedicated to Mew.
#Pokecember2020 #PKMN
Pokecember Day 29 - Favorite Baby Pokemon
Trying something different. Man, watching someone try to shade with paint like brushes, and actually trying it out is an interesting experience.
Gonna keep practicing ofc, so I can get better and better at it!
Day 29 : Random Gigantamax Pokemon (feat a determined Gigantamax Cinderace) #pokecember2020
r/expectedgurrenlagann, amirite ?! :D
Yea, nothing else to say really ... except the fact I know how to recolor black linearts now ! My Dynamax clouds are so freaking pretty !!
Minty #Pokecember💚My favorite Dynamax #Pokemon is #Centiskorch. I didn't want to repeat for this challenge but I love this rollercoaster-like giant of a Pokemon.
#Pokecember2020 #PKMN
Day 28 of #Pokecember2020 features Meltan, drawn by Tamame on Facebook for the #UpdatedPokérap! This adorable nut has a wrench for you, hopefully it won't put a wrench in your plans today.
#Pokemon #PokemonArt #PokemonGO
Pokecember Day 28 - Favorite Pseudo Legendary
One of my favorite pokemon in general, I absolutely loooove Dragapults design, and the concept of firing Dreepy out like missiles is pretty funny
Day 28 : Random Mega Pokemon (feat a training Mega Gardevoir) #pokecember2020
She even protected herself by putting herself in a Light Screen-made Box ! Or did she just used Trick Room ? Who knows ... At least she's protecting everyone !
Day28: Legendary
Suicune スイクン
Pokécember Day 26: Regional Variant
Galarian Yamask! Yamask but it's purple. The method to evolve it is weirdly specific and I'm not sure how people can figure it out without looking up a guide, but the weirdness is part of why I love it even more. 💜👻
Day 27 of #Pokecember2020 features Silvally, drawn by @spiderpoxi for the #UpdatedPokérap! Silvally has come to give you a big slash. Big slash for a big friend.
#Pokemon #PokemonArt #ArtistOnTwitter
Minty #Pokecember💚My favorite Mega #Pokemon is #Beedrill. I always wanted Beedrill on my team but I couldn't bc they're not very strong. But I can with Mega Beedrill! The design is so amazing and cool.
#Pokecember2020 #PKMN