Let’s all be honest here, if region forms were included, Ninetails would of been in it’s Alolan form

0 7

I had to draw Team Rose Thorn......I just had to they're so good!! Loving your playthrough so far !!!

65 492

Woah! I made two fanarts in one day! Are ya proud of me yet!?

Here’s the dream with Gardevoir finally appearing to Chamomile

1 12

So this is kinda random, but i had this feeling today that something was off with this drawing. so i went back and updated it. NOW we're good. lmao

13 31

The team gets prepared to head into Silent Chasm to rescue Jumpluff and Shiftry, but Willow’s starting to have second thoughts...

1 10

I was going to draw the battle between Team Rose Thorn and Team Meanies, but instead I decided to draw gijinka versions of Cham-Emile and Willow

16 160

Team Rose Thorn gets a sudden rescue mission from Dugtrio
(Sorry I didnt upload this yesterday, I wasnt feeling well)

1 7

So turns out does not have an Instagram which means I had to make a twitter account just to share this

28 277

Here’s Willow and Chamomile deciding on which jobs they’re going to take. (Making all of these daily fanart pieces is really making me workout on drawing backgrounds)

8 137

Leave it up to to break me out of my art block. I absolutely adore his new team, and I gotta admit I got a little emotional when I saw my favorite youtuber uploading again.

23 258

My favorite spin-off series played by ? Count me in! I love PMD more than the main game and it makes me excited to see my favorite youtuber play it!

Here’s for Team Rose Thorn and their many adventures

5 27

i finished the art from a while ago! I love it so much

1 1

Doodle a day: 5/8
just got PMD Rescue team DX. liking it so far.

30 112

Love these two friends so here's them going on an adventure as PMD forms, Flareon and Jolteon. Recognise them?

50 178

1❤️ or RT = 1 squish of the pink mudkip
*timid intensifies*

9 25