In Pratchett's Discworld series the idler Sergeant Colon is made Commander of the City Watch. He gets paranoid that people are stealing the sugarlumps from his office, barricades himself in & has a breakdown.

I'm picturing similar scenes at Twitter HQ right now.

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Muestra de mi colaboración para la exposición junto a otras grandes compañeras, en fechas del 2 al 6 de noviembre.

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Avui arrenca el i ho fa amb un parell d'actes on participen títol i autors de l'editorial!

A les 16 h (Sala 2):
Presentació de l'exposició «50 anys de Terry Pratchett»

A les 19:45 h (Sala 2):
Taula rodona «El nostre climapunk?» amb la participació de Mercè Falcó.

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Тема: Терри Пратчетта (Therry Pratchett) «Кот без прикрас». Изображение сгенерированное нейросетью Midjourney. 👇

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“Give a cat a name you wouldn't mind shouting out in a strained, worried voice around midnight”
Terry Pratchett

🎨 Elizabeth Medley

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"A witch ought never be frightened in the darkest forest because she should be sure in her soul that the most terrifying thing in the forest was her."

🖌️Terry Pratchett, 'Wintersmith'

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'Cos if they just see a couple of men in uniform with swords you’ll be in trouble'
Terry Pratchett, Night Watch
Day 12, Guard
Constable Kig is getting some important lessons on the Riverriver City Watch equipment set from Commander Walker on her first night patrol

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« There was never anything to be gained from observing what humans said to one another - language was just there to hide their thoughts. »

Terry Pratchett, Reaper Man

🎨Édouard Manet, On The Beach, 1873

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Otra joyita de Terry Pratchett, me habian dicho q iria algo mas flojo por ser de sus primeros libros y me ha encantado. Me gusta mucho como plantea los problemas y los personajes son, una vez mas, maravillosos. Otro librazo pa la saca 👍

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Además de las portadas de Terry Pratchett en catalán, es la ilustradora de ediciones preciosas de ciencia ficción y fantasía. Hablamos con ella en

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Hi :) I hope you have a good weekend and relax soon
"No worries" as Kangaroo from Terry Pratchett's book said :)

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I hope you have a purrrrrrfect day.


“Cats will amusingly tolerate humans only until someone comes up with a tin opener that can be operated with a paw.”
― Terry Pratchett

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What do you get if you blend Terry Pratchett's Discworld with the animation styling of the talented ? Pure insanity and brilliance!!

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Can a little girl be a wizard? Sure she can! I have read a story about this written by Terry Pratchett. Loved it! Who is about

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📚🧙‍♀️ Ressenya de "La llum fantàstica" de Terry Pratchett

Mai Més continua preparant nou material: "Bons averanys", biografia de l'escriptor i més Discmón! 🎉


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“Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one.”
Terry Pratchett

🎨Adam Oehlers
British illustrator

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I was reading Witch Hat Atelier and decided to draw a sparkly witch from a completely different series. featuring Miss Tiffany Aching and her hat full of sky.

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