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We post here our Undub patcher for the Lunar's US release on PS1 because RHDN rejected our submission on the grounds of us using the Jap videos, which have a better quality than the US ones. So please, share the link with as many people as you can:


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Right in my alley. I love BoF IV! This are some of my favorite RPG's of that time. All are for PS1 except Radiate Stories, which is for PS2. ❤️

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So in case it wasn't clear... Yeah, I love colorful platform/action dynamic games, with charming characters.

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Tadaaaaaaa !! Chers amis, nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la sortie de notre traduction française de Lunar, premier du nom, sur PS1 après plus de 2 ans de travail acharné. Tous les détails et les patchs sont sur notre site officiel : https://t.co/bv7VvNuatY

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しかも、AC版ゼビウス、AC版スーパーゼビウス、ゼビウス・アレンジメントを追加収録する贅沢パッケージ!もしろん即購入です。 https://t.co/Zgz4R9FvuY

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I have vivid memories playing this on the Sega Megadrive that had made it's home on the kitchen table with a TV from the 80's because we had just got hold of a PS1...I was born in 91, the PS1 was in the UK by 95, I was only 4 and now at 31 I feel the same way about games. https://t.co/TDRDd2jcSv

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おはぷく♪今日はメガドライブのファンタシースターII 還らざる時の終わりにの発売日(1989)じゃ。SFRPGじゃ。PS1で有った3Dダンジョンが無くなってしまったのは痛いのじゃが戦闘シーンのアニメーションは健在でカッコいいのじゃ。ただ難易度が高かったのも痛いの。

1 13

I love how my retro streams are devolving from me playing old PS1 games to corrupting games in general.

What is this timeline LOL
Anyways, enjoy these corruption images that had me dyin' lmao

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Three more Hideaki Kodama pieces. M.I.A. - Missing in Action (Arcade), Surprise Attack (Arcade) and Body Hazard aka Perfect Weapon (PS1). Upscaled and lightly touched up.

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On a tous dans notre tête un p'tit jingle qui nous amène un gros moment de bonheur nostalgique. Beaucoup vont penser à l'intro de la PS1 (soit parce qu'ils avaient la console, soit influencés par JDG). Moi j'ai pas eu cette console... Mais j'avais mon jingle !

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The fun part I loved were the details from this minecart animation scene in Popolocrois (PS1). It gives me a sense of true adventure just like Grandia that i loved it too

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Never played much of the PS1 entries, but I'm intrigued by the retro-future dystopian setting of GTA2. It would be interesting to see them do another fantasy setting like that

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