中の人のご冗談だろうけどカロリー食をもりもり食べるVikram Rathore良い

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Vikram Vedhaを見てめちゃくちゃかっこいいマーダヴァンさんをもっとくれ…となった方は『最終ラウンド(Irudhi Suttru)』も良いですよ…
監督はSoorarai Pottruのスダー・コーングラー監督。

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~12/30第4回インド大映画祭IDEinシネ・ヌーヴォ,明日12/17(土)①17:20~"ヴィクラムとヴェーダ-Vikram Vedha② 20:20~” 野獣一匹Ⅱ-Ek Villain Returns"話題作と衝撃枠の組み合わせ!①は窓口販売のみ,ご注意下さい.明日はよい日に違いありません! 楽しみですね

7 12

ということはいよいよ日本の映画館でヒンディー版『Vikram Vedha』( 邦題:ヴィクラムとヴェーダ )が観れるということです
は第4回 大阪会場シネ・ヌーヴォよりスタートです!!

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I'm late for 🎃Halloween... hope you guys don't mind! ✨👑

Cece, Vikram and the rest of their crew dress up as some familiar faces for the spooky holiday. 🦇

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My 2 new favorite Bollywood boys. Vikram Vedha was a fantastic movie and I'm so glad I bunked college to go see it. Vikram's character arc was amazing and seeing Vedha's character story unfold part by part was superb. here's a quick little tribute piece to this movie,more to come

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BGM by & the songs by is one of the biggest back bones of the movie.

4 days to the biggest & release of USA premiers from 9/29

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Vikram Vedha will be released here in Canada on the 29th????????? I’m literally screaming right now omfg🥹😭❤️🙌🙌

Thank you bestie 🥹


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Have booked the tickets for 😃

Excited to watch & on screens after a long time, especially Hrithik Roshan 😀

Having High hopes as it is a remake of my favourite film, but I have my belief on Pushkar & Gayatri ✌️

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Teaser of and starrer to be attached with the prints of and starrer

Realese In cinemas on 30 September 2022.

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Advance bookings are now open for Vikram Vedha!
Watch it at MovieMax Cinemas near you on 30th September 2022. Book now on: https://t.co/wAvjcPqYVO

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VEDHA - A beautiful representation of the massy character in a dreamy way 😍😍🔥🔥

Edited by

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USA & Canada premier shows from 9/29, shows starting from noon (EST).

Tickets open in all major chains & all passes enabled.

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In action is going to be the major highlight.

Veteran choreographer (https://t.co/zBS475LxW8) magic with mind blowing action

9 days to watch this madness on big screen.

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Are you ready to witness ultimate FACE OFF ?

in 10 days WW with USA & Canada premier from noon on 9/29

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