Pucchiemon is a Fairy Digimon which evolved through the power of the Digimental of Kindness.

Pucchiemon of green color are known to exist, but their numbers are very low, so their presence is considered to be quite valuable!!

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Pucchiemon hands down is nothing but an Adult, I can't see it any other way, in both of its variants.

Kongoumon seems strong, it has an important role and it has been used as a Perfect level, that I think fits it so well. Most of the Fate and Miracle Armors are like this.

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(Putti: term for cherubs as they are portrayed in Renaissance paintings)
Heartner Beam
Love And Fire

11 41

Lloyd would like to remind you that NOT YETI is coming out next month and if you pre-order a copy today he’s less likely to bite you. Art by Claire Keane Viking Books

“Narration and dialogue balloons by DiPucchio are models of heartfelt comedy..” PW

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Hello Im Euno! just a small mouse who loves gaming, cappucchino, drawing and cheese!💜i hope to meet some cool new people and maybe even make some friends!ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ

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rustica + pucchiemon
i knew i kinda wanted to give him a digimental of kindness digimon and, you know, heart theme, but then i was reading its database entry and "sings when in a good mood"? "has the strange power to make its opponents calm"? evolves from wormmon? sold

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Oona (2021)
by Kelly DiPucchio (Author), Raissa Figueroa (Illustrator)

"Oona and her best friend Otto love to search for
treasure…and often find trouble instead.
Messy trouble.
Tricky trouble.
Even shark-related trouble."

Pre Order https://t.co/9Yf9MCL1pB

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wormmon -> pucchiemon -> lilymon -> bancholilimon

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-- Pucchi woofwoof system activate -- battle mode activate --

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Merry Pucchimas
メリー ぷっちマス

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I always though Pucchiemon would be a cute evolution for Terriermon and Lopmon. I wish there were more unique fairy type Digimon.

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As requested by Verseal!

I always wondered why they bothered giving Ken a Digimental of Kindness and not make Pucchiemon look like he's wearing it as armour. It was really lazy compared to the other dedicated armour evolutions like Fladramon

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Green Pucchiemon
Heartner Beam
Love And Fire

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(Putti: term for cherubs as they are portrayed in Renaissance paintings)
Heartner Beam
Love And Fire

3 12

(Putti: term for cherubs as they are portrayed in Renaissance paintings)
Heartner Beam
Love And Fire

2 13

(Putti: term for cherubs as they are portrayed in Renaissance paintings)
Heartner Beam
Love And Fire

2 7

so pissed at for calling pucchiemon UGLY

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