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oz + lucemon (satan mode)
great demon king, dragon of the demon lords, it all works out
(also, as i said: kudamon is the only non-angelic but canonical evolution of cupimon's, lucemon's in-training level, soooooooooo--)
figaro + bancholeomon
what? no, that's just a regular ordinary leomon with a costume on. acting like he has a mega level for a partner. how silly
(also, you know, every leomon is doomed to d/ie--)
white + white lopmon (warp digivolves at will to cherubimon vice)
he used to have a terriermon but then, you know, things happen, and now he has a white lopmon instead. kind of like an incomplete copy of snow's. weird. weird.
snow + lopmon (that can warp evo at will to cherubimon virtue)
lopmon used to have a terriermon twin, but, you know, things happen
murr + chaosmon
per the db: "when a jogress occurs, usually the digicores fuse and are reborn as a new digimon, but Chaosmon retains both cores [...] it is a digimon who "should not exist""
mithra + deathmeramon
i look you directly in the eye and slowly blink
rustica + pucchiemon
i knew i kinda wanted to give him a digimental of kindness digimon and, you know, heart theme, but then i was reading its database entry and "sings when in a good mood"? "has the strange power to make its opponents calm"? evolves from wormmon? sold
lennox + sheepmon
sometimes you just have to go for the low-hanging fruit
nero + yasyamon
i am going purely by vibes here but i am right
bradley + revolmon[/deputymon]
this started as a gun joke but then i considered him getting assigned this partner as part of his parole and it's hysterical to me
rutile + muchomon
the vibes are simply correct i do not make the rules
chloe + wormmon
riquet + plotmon[/salamon]
im not winning any awards for this one
arthur + kudamon
the the vibes. the holy beast. the fact that it's one of the only non-obvious evos for what i chose for oz