画質 高画質

Yo de normal: Me la sudan las tradiciones católicas, que las disfrute quien quiera, pero yo desde luego no

*Un Yankee abre la boca*

Yo inmediatamente: https://t.co/QAhonmZAEJ

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Adoro desenhos tradicionais, mas também faço digitais!

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[Adopt-WIP] Throwback

Something something late 80s to 90s radical kickflip

She can be preclaimed for $150 with the halfbody/cheebs, or $200 for the fullbody front and back view with the cheebs!

ToS: https://t.co/0CLOW63aF1

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Me chamo Leugim, faço desenhos tradicionais e digitais. As minhas comissões estão abertas para quem tiver interessado.

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Oiiie sou a Mandy mas pode chamar de Lucy tmb

Eu desenho no tradicional, mas ultimamente ando apredendo a desenhar no digital

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yow caesar confessed already — but helena indirectly rejected him & just said they must forget it, but the way he acts is so contradicting😆💕

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Rossettian Revelation! It's all about the Rossetti Family for this week's as an exciting new exhibition opens tomorrow Britain devoted to the radical Rossetti generation! Dante Gabriel, Christina & Elizabeth (née Siddal) all featured. On till 24th September

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Y recuerden:
Ray casi siempre hace dos versiones de un mismo dibujo, una en tradicional y otra en digital, solo para comparar cuál queda más deforme 🤓☝️

Kgkfhd okno, pero si jeje
¿Cuál versión les gusta más? 👀⬇️

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Plastic Man, meanwhile, gets the most radical changes in both his team costume, and even his solo costume.
His solo costume has the sleeves shortened to just below the elbow, while his v-cut is raised to mid-chest. Most strikingly, his red trunks were now black shorts.

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Death, Evil, Time, Space, Nature, and maybe sky they aren't gods and there is many of them with each new world less of them exist if done to many times then its there extinction and final thing needed is the eradication of life in order to create a new world with life (2/3)

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Because translations suck
Viz went for something radical and it's not the first time the japanse term/signifiance is lost in the process

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Pues Pokémon añil de terminado en modo radical y nuzlocke, es una obra de arte, de lo más difícil y equilibrado del panorama.

Balance 8/10
Dificultad 9/10
Calidad 9/10
Historia nueva 10/10
QoL y mecánicas 10/10
Fluidez 10/10
Rejugabilidad 10/10

Nota final: 9.4/10

10 370

Art order complete! This time for of April O'Neil from as a radical looking pizza gal! Hope you enjoy!

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YO! Sou a Babi, artista digital e tradicional

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QRT com carinhas

acho q essas são as melhores do digital,infelizmente n to com meu celular pra pegar as do tradicional
(sim eu meti essa) https://t.co/n0DP3GIYna

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Yoho! Vou falar de mim,
To voltando a ativa nos desenhos agora, mas faço artes no tradicional e tbm no digital
mas tbm recomendo:

Que são pessoas incríveis e muito talentosas!

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Rá O Deus egípcio do sol ☀

Fiz esse desenho para o meu namorado :)

Ra The Egyptian Sun God ☀
I made this drawing for my boyfriend :)

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Oioii, me chamo Crislane e
Faço desenhos no tradicional e digital ^^
Eu agr estou vendendo icons no meu estilo
caso alguém se interesse só me mandar dm :)

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