Rossettian Revelation! It's all about the Rossetti Family for this week's as an exciting new exhibition opens tomorrow Britain devoted to the radical Rossetti generation! Dante Gabriel, Christina & Elizabeth (née Siddal) all featured. On till 24th September

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Victorian polymath & colossus John Ruskin was born in 1819. Ruskin was a superb draughtsman with an intense eye on the natural world. We highly recommend 'An Instinct to Draw' by Prof Stephen Wildman celebrating Ruskin's drawings at the for

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Woodland Wooing & a Soporific Serenade: 'Queen Margaret Reading the Gospel to (a very sleepy) King Malcolm Canmore' (1887, Dunfermline City) by Joseph Noel Paton for this week's
Plus a wee re-enactment (with the holy book replaced by our very own PRS Review!)

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Bower of Bliss: 'Acrasia' by John Melhuish Strudwick (1888, private collection) for this week's The inspiration is Spenser's "The Faerie Queene", with the enchantress Acrasia depicted surrounded by handmaidens with a knight at her mercy....

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This week's is artist Julia Fry. Julia was a recipient of the 2020–2021 Dr Andrew Edney bursary.

If you are an artist would like to apply to receive this year's bursary, details can be found at

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Today’s is entitled ‘Milk And Cancer’ and is by Outside In artist Mote Scherr.

Mote’s work can also be seen at from which features work from 23 disabled and marginalised artists and runs until 29 October.

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I believe in angels 😇😇😇

The Opening of the Seventh Seal,
Single leaf from an Apocalypse blockbook in Latin on paper, Germany c. 1465.
Fragment from Schreiber’s edition IV, folio 10.

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Helping us to mark - yes, it is a real thing - and today's is Joshua Madden's wonderful painting 'The Princess'.
See more of is work here -

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'Birds in the trees in November' is this week's Created by Outside In artist Emma Dunphy, you can see more of her work here -

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Today's is entitled 'Hommage a George Grosz' by Silke Wolff. You can hear from Silke and discover more of her work at today's Share Art online event at 12:30pm. Sign up here to join the audience on Zoom:

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A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight, walking in a

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In the height of cherry season, our is an artwork entitled 'Cherry' by UmasDeJamas, a Finnish artist living in the UK.

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Another on a special day -"Joanne Self-Portrait Cartoon" by Outside In artist Joanne White. e

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An artwork shared with us by artist Rebecca Brown - people under lockdown in their little boxes,the newfound freedom of nature plus rainbows representing thanks to NHS and key workers. What are you creating during lockdown? We'd love to see...

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Outside In artist Jas Elbaccush is behind this week's They said: "I am influenced by work from the likes of Francis Bacon with his bold movement in his paintings and ceramics of Grayson Perry." See more here -

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'The storm is coming', a painting by Outside In artist Teresa Lenart, is this week's Speaking about her work Teresa says she enjoys experimenting with many different materials and can have a sculptural approach in her paintings -

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