New NFT, "Ash Cloud Odin" by FrankNFTs73 from the "ALLFATHERODIN" collection.
Please share! Thank you!
Creator Corps

12 27

Also! a Slobad mention for . I wish they would have mentioned his role in saving Mirrodin a bit more, but maybe that's a future comic.

0 9

"Pensadores" en el de 🇪🇸 reciente
13/3 y Peridis 8/3 [aunque un sector de la crítica cuestiona que esta versión pueda acogerse al título de la obra de

➕#arte en viñetas

0 0

DEATH BATTLE! Rodin VS Red Forman VS Mixer Users VS Malleo

1 15

D'Angelo is based on Ekko from Arcane, Rodin, and Bismuth (swapping weapons and being a weaponsmith, hes more introverted but still has a strong sense of justice)

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Costume design for the Opera "Prince Igor" by Alexander Borodin, 1930

2 18

Schrodinger the silly creature

47 122

DEATH BATTLE! Schrodinger VS Eartly Cuyler

4 71

DEATH BATTLE In a Cleaning Competition! Schrodinger VS Baroness Von Bon Bon

0 5

thor… again 🤸 drew this for prints, took a while to finish but really happy with the results!

163 774

*reposted (again) due to android twitter bug

I have a sneaking suspicion that this attire doesn't land itself modestly with this angle
Schrodinger's nudity
Further and beyond (the border)

17 318

Gerry Davis and William Hjortsberg were born and Alexei Tolstoy died on this day, so here are some of their book covers (artist: unknown, Hal Siegel, Stanislaw Zagorski and Henry Mavrodin):

3 9

Amigos que me seguem, tem algum pokémon considerado popularmente por "feio" que vocês amam de paixão? Quero criar essa rodinha de apreciação a pokémon feio esquisito psicopata

Aqui os meus 👇💖

1 10

Reproding pose on MikuMikuDance for Kokomi's birthday ! 🎉💦

2 3

con le mani,le lingue,
le bocche,
abbiamo scartato
noi stessi,
per giacere come
doni aperti
Siamo rinati,
generandoci a vicenda,
come corpi separati
che amano la collisione.

Anaïs Nin
(21 febbraio 1903🌸)



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