Was a pleasure to welcome @BoobsMcbalrog to the cast of #RoleWithMe this week with her character Nara. Also major shout-out again to @caitlinc37 for the ever awesome artistry!
@Lanipator @Takahata101 @SenileSnake @Shadowdancerbob @MontyGlu
I may not have the resouces (or the money) to make a real one BUT my mom (bless her soul for putting up with me) made me a felt plush of our good boi Pip!!!
Hope this cheers you guys and be safe!
Took me longer than I wanted but it's finally done.
Based on the info I got from both @SenileSnake and @Lanipator, this is my interpretation of Jamat, Elliot and Akayzey.
Muppets coming soon...
Brain: "You should sleep."
Also brain: "Draw T-Rex!Asmo."
Because episode 58 was a trip. #RoleWithMe Cudos to
@Takahata101 @Shadowdancerbob @SenileSnake @MontyGlu and @Lanipator
for the work they've done!
Finished this drawing Of Wolfgang's family in Elliott's dream sequence. I really enjoyed that moment so I had to at least try to draw it.
Loving #rolewithme so far and I plan to go back and draw some more moments in the story when I get the time.
#TFSFanart #TFSAtTheTable
As promised, I give you some more "Role with Meeps" (thank you again @Lanipator for the name 🙂 ).
I present you muppet Bahum, Tia and Hraesh.
@Lanipator @Shadowdancerbob @SenileSnake @Takahata101 @MontyGlu
Happy one year anniversary to #RoleWithMe !!!
Here's to another year of adventures 🎉🎉🎉
Finally have time to breathe again this summer so here is some new art. Saturday morning cartoons with the gang
#RoleWithMe #TFSAtTheTable #TheUnexpectables
My take on unknown assassin from #RoleWithMe. Now on to other NPCs!
@Lanipator @SenileSnake @Shadowdancerbob @MontyGlu @Takahata101
Finally the muppets are complete!!!
Tried something different and went with colors only with these
Now excuse me as I proceed to fall on my bed and sleep for a whole week...
#RoleWithMe #TFSFanart
#DnDSelfie Hey it's @Montyglu!
Been a dungeon master only for 4 years! But I fell, and I fell HARD. Current dungeon master of the @_Unexpectables_ improving over time!
A lover of robots, (is one irl???), and even play one named T-wig in #rolewithme
I have a book addiction.
It turns out speak with plants is horrifying. #RoleWithMe has convinced me to do the only morally acceptable thing and go full carnivore.
#TFSFanArt @MontyGlu @Lanipator
I've been catching up with #RoleWithMe and I've finally met this amazing robo-druid. I love this design SO MUCH!! #TFSFanArt @MontyGlu
#RoleWithMe @Shadowdancerbob Denir really is such a good lad :)
One of our fine community members submitted this peice of Fanart but does not have a twitter, i asked permission to submit this on their behalf, It's by TheLittleDixie and is simply fantastic! https://t.co/qeO5k6VEQP #rolewithme #tfsfanart