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Luke Thompson

Japan won the game against Ireland by a score of 19 to 12💪💪💪

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Rugby World Cup in Japan. Thank you to all the teams and fans who came to Japan. Big respect. Rugby is beautiful.


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Well, the starts today, and your local pub will be full of obnoxious new patrons whose sole aim is to ruin your day. So if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! Blend in perfectly with my trusted

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It's kick-off day! Who's going to be watching the ? 🏉

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おお!今日のGoogle先生のトップ画像はスクラムのイラスト!!!!(゚∀゚)☆ 今日からラグビーワールドカップ開幕だもんなぁー!楽しみ!

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para ver la RWC la voy a tener muy dificil por la diferencia horaria,voy a tener que levantarme muy temprano unos días y quedarme hasta super tarde otros xD
-Diferencia horaria Argentina/Japón, 12 Horas-

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 いよいよ明日開幕!ロシア戦 日本がんばれ!

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A couple more frames from the Omikuji Rugby project for

We’re about half way into releasing the entire manga, so there’s quite a lot more to come!

Also, the
starts this friday! :)

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