Why yes, I DID see Honey, I Shrunk the Kids in my formative years... why do you ask?

(Also, the illustration prompt for July is SWIM.)
🥣 🏊 🥣 🏊 🥣 🏊 🥣 🏊

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Follow the Rainbow Brick Road

My entry for the June Prompt:

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Oo. Bad luck, little clover. Bad luck.

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Bad luck is when you make into the finish line first. Almost.

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Bad Luck,this month’s prompt 🐰 🗡

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A new month means a new Draw This! prompt 🎨 ✨ have you submitted yours yet? use our hashtag to submit your art!

A huge ✨CONGRATS✨ to our talented February winners: & @ 👏

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CRASH! Twitterpated birds on bicycles! Forgive them. They were lovestruck.

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For my daughter who makes valentines for Mars rovers, my son who loves tiaras and unicorns, and every other kid — may they find their joy!

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From Lucy's Secret Admirer. " Even Cedric the Hedgehog got a Valentine."

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Happy Valentine’s Day! Also taking the opportunity to post my interpretation of February's prompt: Lovestruck 💕

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October prompt is

"I don’t think I can do this…" whispered Dave.

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