Congrats to our November/December winners and Antonia Ridge! 👏😍 This month’s prompt is ✨LUMINOUS✨. There are still a couple of days to submit; please do so by tagging We can’t wait to see your work!

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Happy Monday, lovelies! I hope you are surprised by all sorts of good things blooming today.

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Standoff, or The Birds and the Bees. A drawing I did today (because it was a snow day) for

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Lovin' the cute art for I almost forgot w/deadlines, but I couldn't resist creating a little something.

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My entry this month for Momentum.

I’ve been using these prompts to experiment and play. That horse leading the herd is in memory of my childhood Appaloosa. I miss her. 🖤

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Here is my take on the prompt "Wild" for

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I'm having a go at a monthly "Draw This!" challenge/competition set by SCBWI Prompt word is 'ADMIRE'

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