The towered over wings spread wide enough to encompass the sky, protecting, gaurding, yet cutting us off from the other realms
I yearned to this pristine city
Its perfection a cage
To explore the beyond

4 27

The Bar folks thought Joss—a blue-skinned alien who loved rye whiskey—was an old friend. To them, it wasn’t odd if he morphed into a box, a cow, or Jesus.

Joss sipped his rye. No oddity why he was likable. He was a storyteller, not an envoy. Perfect for First Contact.

4 30

The most popular Space-Girl pinup was a human blond bombshell, of course. She appeared in holos inside most starship garages. Mauest was known for her sexy muttering, "A good man is hard to find ... and vice-versa!" A time-tested truism, as it turned out.

2 5

The encrypted hail of data surged. The suspecting diplomat busily touched his screen, knowing what they didn't. That this was the end. Hacking codes, he teleported to the hangar deck, stole a fighter, got behind the moon as the first salvo struck the ship.

3 67

I first wondered at its beauty. The scientists called it a magnetar. Upon closer inspection of its frequency and resonance, I revealed it as a beacon, an intergalactic updater. Transmitting messages to many civilizations beyond our perception

14 66

Let me be the one
to show you the universe
New enlightenment

📷 NASA/JPL-Caltech & Pixabay | geralt (modified)

3 20

I cut myself a sharp slice of reality
Stare at the on my phone
A the one I've been waiting for
After hopeless months in this of despair
I pop some to take away the pain
Tomorrow I'm getting a new heart

6 44

I met you in a life. Perhaps, on another planet, in another galaxy. I remember, but only hazily. In that life, we were free to explore what we felt for each other in boundless ways. Now, we are by earthly boundaries. I wish it wasn't so.

4 32

Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Alliance fighter. I'm having too much fun with Blender and Boxcutter.

51 251

It’s clear mindcasting
is not the service for you
You’re sharing nightmares!

📷 iStock

5 52

Join the Select Few
Travel and see the heavens
Fight for the Space Force

📷 pixabay | lumina_obscura & public domain

3 17

"That is a very solution, Major!"

"But it will prevent the end of the world, Colonel! And I would say is rather poetic!"

"Okay! Deploy the Night Sky Paint the cosmic skies with celestial monsters. Let's hope that scares away the aliens!"

2 29

Watch as the floor is painted in lines of red.

Her utterances turn to howls of fury, as though something within strives against its fleshly bonds.

Only once the design is born does calm return to the - her prisoner ready to be unleashed.

3 38

The captain scowled at the prisoner. "What is this...foreign filth?" he demanded.

The scout dared not appear "My Lord, we this seer away from the East."

"Do we not have enough such idiots?"

"But my Lord, this one can make liquid fire."

8 74

I was once labelled a Then pity turned to

Now they fear me.

How can her body be so flexible, her reflexes so completely outclass our own? they wonder.

I am as much a prisoner without as within - my mouth bound unless the Entity so desires.

5 44

We rescued the Moon
freeing it from Earth’s district
and awestruck humans

📷 pixabay | Adryanah

5 35