✨Finally remembered to finish this Flashback from Silverhawks I drew earlier this year. Once again thanks for working on one of my childhood favorite animated shows!✨

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劇中で出てくるピンボールは「SilverHawks(名前はSHVEI NOWKSと変えられてる)」が題材になっていて、海外アニメだけど制作にAICが絡んでる

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Okay, and fans - I am having a pretty focused conversation about the new series today. I have most of the questions in place, but if you have something specific about the figures in the new pre-orders, LMK.

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Bravo por y los de Ultimates. ¡Tremenda colección! ¿La tenéis en vuestra lista de deseos?

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Back when HGH was called KP, Brikkabrakk inspired by Hardware from Silverhawks, and before the GrenadierM design overhaul.

Here's the ARC ATHENA01 campaign: https://t.co/M9LS0eTMOn

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cumplen 35 años!!! Rayo de plata era una chingoneria! De mis favoritas!!!#halconesgalacticos

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Well now. Super7 has given Ramen Toy a license to make a Silverhawks line.

Revealed earlier today on an FB live.

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He runs Limbo, rides a giant space squid and calls down the Moon*Star. Its 16/18, Mon*Star, y'all!

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I don't remember owning Steelheart (15/18), but I remember having her bird Rayzor. Funny how that stuff happens.

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Much like Modulok, I always thought, 12/18, Mo-Lec-U-Lar was the coolest. And also weirdly creepy.

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Few characters are a product of their time like 8/18, Melodia.

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I don't remember a lot of Flashback (3/18) from the show, but my toy saw a lot of action.

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