(Marvel VS DC)

Location:Gotham City

-Bruce is aware of everyone’s abilities & has 3 days of prep. time

Who wins, and why?

5 19

SinisterSix Kraven

Spidey: “I always saw you as the vegan type 🤢”

47 379

SinisterSix Electro

This one went by like breeze. Those who guessed Shocker, were part right 😛

25 369

SinisterSix Vulture

Contrary to how it started we are kicking this thing into a different gear.  
If you praised an art piece of mine and called it the best, I’m still the type to abandon it. I’m just my own worst boss.

23 271

Nuevos rumores sobre la participación de y en

Pero son sólo eso, rumores. Nada confirmado aún. Nada de fuentes confiables.

10 35

Colors by over my recent Spidey VS Sinister Six commission.

15 44