I lied
Addison is Dutch, and since I am too, I wanted to show a bit o' pride!

Tomorrow is 'Sinterklaasavond' in Holland, which was a magical time when I was a kid, and I'm keen to try and share the spirit through some art!

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Saturday is Sinterklaas, a Dutch holiday where we get gifts from our Santa Claus. We put our shoes at the chimney, or front door. And the next day there will be gifts and candy.
Just be careful that the mice won't get to it first.

Happy Sinterklaas everybody!

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I feel like I should be commissioning a sexy Sinterklaas illustration or something for the holidays... What do you think?

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Another drawing challenge I won’t be able to follow but that I find very inspiring every year I see people like seeing it through:

Instead I’ll post another detail from my book. Here in the Netherlands Sinterklaas and his hel… https://t.co/owqaQpKK7V

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2/2 Saint Nicholas saving the sailors from threatening curly waters. Because Sinterklaas has arrived in Holland (last weekend, seems rather early)! And because it's painted by Lorenzo Monaco, whose day is today.

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Wat een ook altijd, die 🇬🇧 Too to translate.. 🙄😶

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En mijn echte Sinterklaas is gereed. Lijkt me dat het portret ook de echte Sint toebehoort.
Wat vinden jullie ervan?
Laten we hem in ieder geval volgen in zijn "makkers staakt uw wild geraas".
Een mooie zondag nog.

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