я решила постепенно делать этот аккаунт рисовальным
здесь, возможно, будут спойлеры будущих работ как я предпологаю

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Diawanna, a slavic diety of fierce womanhood and hunting! Growing up with a slavic culture, I ofc fell inlove with slavic myths.

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For my last finals project I chose the theme of old Slavic folk myths and the medium of gouache paint. I had very little experience with both but I did it anyway.

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Bandurki, are from the and are the small and mischievous creatures that like to appear around human houses and pretend to be good.
Bandurki were made by and will be the diggers in our game.

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Goddess of gossip Ozwiena I did for an exhibition coming up soon! :D

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