Pack Hound, Smogger Hound, Guard Hound

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My cartoon Saturday . Idiotic libertarian mask denial by

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Another change that would absolutely be beloved by players is the Transmogging of White/Grey gear

So many pieces of Common gear use unique models that are literally locked out from players using

We can transmog Legendary gear - why not starting pieces?

4 30

Eu to xonada na arte que o SmoggyBoy fez para mim de aniversário <3

Gratidão eterna! 🥰

2 17

J'en profite pdt que je dessine un peu pour post avec autorisations les Fanart de Talya réalisés par nos artistes de la COMMU ! Merci à eux, c'est trop mignon ! Pour ceux là, merci à Smoggly le good guy, Dark Chococo, PR FC 4L et Momox le genius. Un jour j'pense j'encadre tt ça !

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To the man who believes homosexuality is a sin and much more .. Welcome to the resurrection of the sinners ..

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here's the second piece of art for i made today. so what's supposed to be happening is chibi-robo patting the smoggling here, and i also isolated the smoggling if anyone asked

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Listening to - his line about Smogg sticking little flags in to fish really got to me, apparently. I might have to take a shower after drawing this...

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Time to wheel out this specimen of Victorianus Carpio preserved since 1903 in formaldehyde* by Damien ‘s great grandad (*produced and bottled in our land of Hope and Glory b’God)

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Graeme Keyes on – political cartoon gallery in London

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This is the only truthful thing Rees-Mogg has ever said ... honest.

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Just because he's trending (despite not being on trend) ...

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'El pescador' (Le Pêcheur, 1884) de Jean-Louis Forain convertido por en "El pescador consumado o 'carpa' diem"
[recuérdese que 'carp' es en inglés el ciprínido pez y queja]

➕#humor al /

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