Thought for the day (with art)...
Unity among socialists may be difficult but there is common ground and only through unity with the united right be overthrown. It's either that or civil war. 1642 was overturned but 1789 wasn't. Worth a thought.

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I’m a proud socialist, social worker and anti-racism visionary.


The statements below sum up some of my philosophies.👇🏾👇🏻👇

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Voting: it's important. It's vital. But education is more so, for there is no greater danger to a democracy than an idiot with a ballot paper.

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fantasy predictions:
1) Corbyn reappointed as Labour lead
2) Corbyn & Rayner make up and become UK version of Biden/Harris
3) Laurence Fox implodes
4) Indi Scotland joins the EU and then England follows
5) Queen hands the crown to William and he turns socialist.

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I'm starting early because it's nice. Solidarity!

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Tweeting here is relaxing compared to the right wing furore l seem to have provoked with my tweets this morning. I blocked quite a few! Still, a sad day for socialism given these election results. But at least people voted! Suggestions for more cartoons, anybody?

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