Day 13. Past.

Меня на большее,чем три слюнявых карапуза не хватит😦

21 165

Perrines preparándose para Halloween 1/6
CHIHUAHUA (no necesita juego de palabras) 😈🔥

4 5

"Draw your OC with this outfit challenge "

Honestly, couldn't find the OG post ,however, I hope you wouldn't mind a spooky date in the Underworld, would you, Darling? 🍷😈✨💅🦇

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I'm catching up on cause I was busy with commissions but here is a couple days.

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Holy shit I didn't thought about how constant you have to be for this challenge, but I'll try harder! Here are days 15, 16 and 17! Enjoy 👉👈 (And yes, those guys from day 15 are the thieves 👀 Or at least how I imagine them-)

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16: Father
thats a really weird lookin ghost, wonder how it got there

17 68

bc im still workin on day 16, LATE DAY 15!!!! THAT IS ACTUALLY LATE FUCK

their name is Crystie!! they/it/she/Crystie :)
and the spider is Spee!!!!!

tf y wont the tags bombard me lol

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Day 11:Hatzgang
Day 12: Siblings
Day 13: Past
(Late sorry! The rest will come out tomorrow)

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