Hi! It's day! I've been doing a series of Animal Rhymes for can you guess these what these animal rhymes are? For more follow me on IG! ( there too!)

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Day 46/100 A brightly coloured chameleon perched on a branch. These reptiles are part of the iguana suborder. Have you ever seen them moves their eyes? They can move them independently from each other!

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Emotions day 48/100 -

She's worried about her frog friend who's feeling out of sorts. But I think there is no need, froggy seems to be quite the drama queen. 🤭

Original by @ hannahdetterbeck over at IG.

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Emotions day 46/100 -

The sweet original by @ tomkeundjona over at IG.

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Emotions day 38/100 -

My version of this nervous girl by @ megsscribbles over at IG.

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Day 37/100 of the 100 Day Project with for

Flower add a certain pizzazz to this giraffe , don’t you think?

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Day 19 and 20 of Here we have a collage reworking and a painting reworking. All available through website.

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Day 18 and 19 of a couple of sketchy ones; Dora and her cat and Emma and Mr Knightley.

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