画質 高画質

This Maractus had a birthday and felt happy. Until Maractus realized how bad the combination of cactus and balloons is. Guess birthdays are just like getting more balloons, as the chances that Maractus thorns hit them are getting higher. So, gotta treat it carefully.

23 175

got some bases from @.Mr_cactus_Inker -w- will be included in my next ko-fi comms ✨

2 67

Thank you for your support in 2023. This Maractus is grateful for the growth. Everyone is really supportive and it makes this cactus really happy. Of course, Maractus hopes to get even better in the future. So please keep supporting this Maractus!

109 749

Nineball Seraph (Money work) by @/unusual_cactus

Anyways,Armored core most intimidating Boss only those who remember....

216 830

Zumi-Chan draw mr. cactus dechu
thanks~ ❤️🦔
( , ⚆ 0 ⚆)っ🐹

7 32

wip of cactus owner

4 120

Bache finds a creative way to measure the distance between two points on the highway.

that's probably what's happening here >.>


cactus-free version here:

16 152

Aratuna y Noparacne, tipo planta y bicho, entierran su abdomen en el suelo para verse como un cactus y atrapar presas que pasen cerca.

Aratuna and Noparacne, grass and bug type, they bury their abdomen in the ground to look like a cactus to catch passing by prey.

50 297

Day 155 of drawing the brawlie cactus everyday for an entre year to see if it gets me an actual v-brawlie - only a few… exams left…

Thanks for 350 btw a special for that is coming soon

5 30

🐸A travelling frog that navigates in abstract space.
🌵For the challenge

5 Ed. on


16 49

A few days ago, we had rain with the clouds a fair distance away. It was like so lovely.
I think Cactus Girl loves the rain more than anyone in Inkwell. For obvious reasons.

6 26

Caption this photo and make us laugh, think, or just smile. 💭😄

👇We can't wait to see what you come up with!?

0 6