"- Ces mots que vous m'avez dit, je ne vous laisserais pas revenir dessus.
Sa voix était âpres mais sous l'autorité des paroles il y avait comme une fêlure."

- La Passe Miroir, Tome 3, Christelle Dabos

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old doodles of characters in ghibli style that i kinda like

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I’m reading a lot of books rn and one of my favorites last year were The Mirror Visitor! I love Ophélie aaaa

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Personal project!
Based on Ophelia from the book series "The Reader" is about a character that can read the history of objects with just the touch of her hand.

More on https://t.co/EUHIzNjnJk :D

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Oldies but goodies! Fanarts I made from (3rd book). Ophélie, Thorn, Victoire and Octavio ! Who's your favourite? :P

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Have I mentioned how much I love Thorn and Ophelia yet?

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A little fanart again about book serie by
I see him like a kind of antic greek statue.

Oui bon bah voila j'ai envie de dessiner presque tout les personnages..

2 6

a little fanart about “#lapassemiroir ” “ book serie by Christelle Dabos
En vrais j'ai un peu envie d'écrire en français quand je poste :^p

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Who asked for a Thorn? "The Mirror Visitor" is now available in English for you to enjoy :)

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