画質 高画質

i thou- i would- i woudlda- i woduladla aaa-a--a OHH MY FUCKIN GODDD

1 8

Made this for the finale. Hope to see more of them thou. 😊

110 514

just noticed that they changed the cover thou, from the first pic to second pic

29 242

Mira would become a confidant

I am thou, thou art I
Thou hast acquired a new vow
It shall become the wings of rebellion
that breaketh thy chains of captivity
With the birth of the ☀ Sun ☀Persona, I have obtained the winds of blessing that shall lead to freedom and new power

0 6

I have doneth thou character

3 6

"thou shalt not worry, because thine guardian angel are here"

1 4

FELLOW ASTROLOGIAN, dost thou wishesth to play uno

(urianger is the worst astro i have ever seen)

0 2

Wouldst thou like to live... deliciously?

14 80

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of Me, saith the LORD.
- Isaiah 54:17

347 1930

Capito, Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?

11 186

Thou shall kneel before me

0 1

Guys I have my exam tomorrow, wish me luck! here’s a cute littol bunny for you all thou🐰❤️

9 39

heyy luness! thanks for the share babe💗
ykk im ace, self taught trad and digi artistt! more on ocs thou..✨
inmight have a lot of pink but i lovvee 💚💚💚

3 4

The other, 3D, a sculptor's bold domain,
Where shapes and forms in space do intertwine,
Replies in jest, "Thou simple, planar plane,
To be, and yet not be, is art so fine."


0 4

“Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,” I said, “art sure no craven,
Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shore—
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night’s Plutonian shore!”
Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.”

0 5

okay holier than thou! hey do you remember that time these happened to law [drawing from same day of second image provided] and tried to pass it off as "shes terminally ill so my brain thought she was pale" . do you remember half the shit youve said the last 3 years. https://t.co/PgaeJHmgNL

3 7

“thou cant createth other pokemon! only i can do that because..i just caneth, ok?!”

26 190