May portrait practise :)
been playing around with colours a lot for this one

1 6

Teddy bear
And my brother's character impolitely reminding May of how short she is

1 5

Blisk doodle to start off the year, I mostly just wanted to draw those stronk arms.

1 4

A Lady and Her titan. last colored piece before I take a day rest from drawing.

14 64

便乗 めっちゃよくない?????

11 77

Memes are a form of art! :D
share your ttitanfall ones bellow!

3 10

I'm offering pieces like these for 45€.
Four slots open

14 45

The idea is to finish it this week, publish it and share the files...

11 70

かがりめさんの【TITANFALL2 キャンペーンモード】紲星あかりの名前のない実況【A.I.VOICE実況プレイ】part14(最終回) の支援絵を描きました!

51 120

Support Titan 'Remedy' liveries
1. Factory stock (First Responder)
2. Starlit
3. Woodland
4. Royal

2 22

Also I colored in that Bloon mech

2 29