owed art for L0VEC0RE on toyhouse

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for(float i,e,g,s;i++<1e2;g+=e*.2){mat2 m;vec3 n,p=vec3((FC.xy-.5*r)/r.y*g,g-3.);p.zy*=m=rotate2D(s=1.);p.z+=t;for(e=p.y;s<5e2;s+=s)p.xz*=m,n.xz*=m,n+=cos(p*s),e+=sin(p.x*s)/s/3.;n.y=sin(g)*.4;n/=length(n);e-=n.y;o+=exp(n.x-vec4(5.5+n.y*4.,6,6.5,0));}

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Lil GF Design I made based 0n l0vec0re !!

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할로윈... 늦었지....방치....

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float i,d=1.,s; vec3 p,n=vec3(-6);for(i=0.;i++<32.&&d>1e-4;){p=vec3((FC.xy-.5*r)/r.y,.2)*s;p.y+=1.5;p.yz*=5.5+mod(t*.2,1.7);p.z-=4.;for(int j;j++<8;){p=1.-abs(p);d-=.7*min(d,dot(p,sin(n))*dot(p/n,p-n));}s+=d;}o.rgb+=vec3(exp(d*d),7,6)/i;
//#つぶやきGLSL "湖畔(lake side)"

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for(float i,g,e,R,s;i++<1e2;g+=e*R*.1){vec3 p=vec3((FC.xy-.5*r)/r.y*g,g-4.);p.zx*=rotate2D(cos(t)*.4);p=vec3(log(R=length(p))-t,e=asin(-p.z/R),atan(p.x,p.y));for(e-=s=1.;s<6e2;s+=s)e+=abs(dot(sin(p*s+t*s*.5),p/p))/s;o.rgb+=hsv(p.y*.1,2.,s=exp(-e*1e3)/2e2)+s+s;}

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skice helovin edisn demian prom queen a vale je ghost face il kako se zove vec

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setup=_=>{createCanvas(w=720,w,WEBGL),shader(createShader(`attribute vec3 a${c};void main(){gl_${c}=vec4(a${c},1.)*2.-1.;}`,`precision lowp float;void main(){vec2 p=sqrt(gl_FragCoord.xy);gl_FragColor=vec4(9./dot(cos(p),p),p,1.);}`)),rect(0,0,w)};c="Position";//#つぶやきProcessing

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float i,d=.1,s=1.; vec3 p,n;for (i=0.;i++<64.&&d>1e-4;){p+=vec3((FC.xy-.5*r)/r.y,.1)*s*2.;n=-vec3(.3,.5,.8);p.xy*=rotate2D(28.3);p.z-=28.+mod(t,4.3);for(int j;j++<8;){p=abs(p-.1)-.2;p-=.4*dot(p,n)*n;d=dot(p-1.,n-.1);}s+=d;}o+=vec4(6,5,6,1)/i+d;

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float i,d=.1,s;vec3 p,n=vec3(-3);for(i=0.;i++<64.&&d>1e-4;){p=vec3((FC.xy-r*.5)/r.y,.3)*s*4.;p.z+=8.;p.xz*=rotate2D(mod(t*.2,5.));for(int j;j++<6;){p=abs(p)-1.;d=1.-sqrt(p.y)-.1;d>0.?d-=min(d-.1,max(p.y+.2,dot(p.x,p.z))):d;}s+=d;}o+=vec4(5,3,3,1)/i;

3 9

float i,j,d=.1,s;vec3 p,n=vec3(-.3);for(i=0.;i++<40.&&d>1e-3;){p=vec3((FC.xy*2.-r)/r.y,1)*s;p.z-=15.;p*=rotate3D(t*.2,n);for(j=0.;j++<8.;){p=abs(p)-1.5;p-=.4*min(0.,dot(p,n))*n;d=length(p-1.5);d+=min(.1,tan(d+.5));}s+=d/j*.6;}o+=vec4(4,3,6,1)/i;

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Vec: that's how I was when I was little..
Damn I admit that seeing myself in cybertronian is one thing...
But I don't think it changes anything in my human form...

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drew some art for l0vec0re and orilovestea on toyhouse of their sonas ;w;

im trying to improve and figure out how to draw two characters together aaa so this was good practice!~

their sonas are so cute >///<

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Revenge on Vec for Artfight!

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Je suis un futur étudiant d'art qui aime le dessin le sport et la bagarre
Le deux dessin représente Aquila le héros de mon futur manga
(Le deuxième en collaboration vec la giga bg )

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Vec: I will not give a foot to twist! I will not lower my guard! They will see me as a monster, they will say that I am a demon! But I won't deny it! Because if that's how my enemies see me! I am going on the right way!!

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FURST ONE this chara was rly cute hehe they belong to l0vec0re on af

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f.write("void main(){vec2 v=(gl_FragCoord.xy-360)/360.;float q=atan(v.x,v.y);float a=abs(cos(5.*q)*sin(q+sqrt(length(v))*16))*.8;gl_FragColor=vec4(1.-vec3(0,a+.1,a+.3),1);}")

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Michael C Hayes
Sanctifier en-Vec


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💚#Vecpioweek💜 Day 7: Noir

Annd with that we are done! I had fun drawing these two again (even if Vec made it harder than it had to be xD)
I love these dorks 💚💖💜

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