💘 Love Liar TMI

독고현은 아침마다 조깅을 꼭 한다.
Damien always jogs in the morning.

📌LINK : https://t.co/AishG81cZd

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💘 Love Liar TMI

강하준은 어릴 때부터 거의 매일 일기를 써왔다.
Timothy kept a daily journal since he was young.

📌LINK : https://t.co/AishG81cZd

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Here's Yveliam, a short plump woman with a lot of curiosity and skill with machines.

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💘 Love Liar TMI

설다솜은 매운 음식을 아주 좋아한다. 떡볶이는 항상 최고 매운 맛으로.
Tiffany is mad about spicy food, Always orders the most spicy Tteokbokki.

📌LINK : https://t.co/AishG81cZd

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💘 Love Liar TMI

독고율과 독고현은 서로 닮았다는 말을 아주 싫어하지만, 둘 다 고양이를 좋아하는 취향만은 인정해 준다.
Kasey and Damien hate being told they're alike, but they admit they both like cats.

📌LINK : https://t.co/AishG81cZd

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por si se lo preguntan:
Evelia: como era guru de belleza fue arrestada por patrocinar cremas que derretían la piel, y otras .. cosas.
charly: le paso algo muy similar a james charles.
y la otra cancelaron sus amigos y se fue de redes, ahora esta mejor

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💘 Love Liar TMI

독고현은 아인슈페너 같은 크림이 올라간 커피를 좋아한다.
Damien likes cream coffee such as Vienna coffee.

📌LINK : https://t.co/AishG81cZd

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I make a list of names I think are meaningful to the character

then feel super undecided and end up having OCs named Velirio, Velia, Lirio, and Velirio2 https://t.co/SXH9Cd9Y5i

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💘 Love Liar TMI

설다솜은 단 걸 별로 안 좋아한다. 그래서 커피도 무조건 아메리카노.

📌LINK : https://t.co/AishG8iOnN

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💘 Love Liar TMI 🐾

강하준은 무서운 게 거의 없는데, 뱀은 좀 무서워 한다.
Timothy is not afraid of anything, but snakes are his weak spot.

📌LINK : https://t.co/AishG8iOnN

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💘 Love Liar TMI

독고 남매보다 S엔터 사람들이 술을 훨씬 잘 마신다.
People of S Agency drink a lot better than the twins.

📌LINK : https://t.co/AishG8iOnN

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The OC vs The Inspiration: Velia & Remilia Scarlet

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💘 Love Liar TMI ☕️

슈트리는 독고현에게 유독 짓궂은데, 자신이 아는 천사와 닮았기 때문이다.
Sitri is especially cruel against Damien because he looks like an angel Sitri knows.

📌LINK : https://t.co/AishG81cZd

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💘 Love Liar TMI

강하준은 실험적인 요리를 좋아해 가끔 말도 안 되는 레시피를 시도했다가 망하곤 한다.
Timothy favors experimental cooking and tries undesirable recipes, failing miserably.

📌LINK : https://t.co/AishG8iOnN

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💘 Love Liar TMI ☕️

설다솜은 단골 카페에서 다 채운 도장판만 10장이 넘는다.
Tiffany has more than 10 stamp cards from her favorite coffee shop.

📌LINK : https://t.co/AishG81cZd

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💘 Love Liar TMI

슈트리는 카페인에 약하다. 커피를 마시면 두근거림 때문에 잠을 못 자고 밤새 날아다닌다.
Sitri has a weak spot for caffeine. Coffee makes his heart thump for the entire night.

📌LINK : https://t.co/AishG81cZd

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