good job bunbo~
i will enter this weedo 💕

0 7

Camp Weedonwantcha by (
Camp Weedonwantcha is a place where kids get dropped off for the summer and are never picked up again. Cute and funny, but deals with a lot of themes of abandonment, failure, and belonging.

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DANG i forgot today is funny number day. happy funny number day from uhh. weedox

2 17

These ones hurt the most for me. All pitched to Nickelodeon, never got past the pilot. The Modifyers, Harpy Gee, Monsters Abroad, Camp Weedonwantcha.

3 51

It honest to god makes me laugh hysterically how Katie Rice spends every waking minute of her life contemplating why Camp Weedonwantcha never got greenlit by Nick of all people

Katie...have you read your comic?

The plot of your comic will NEVER make TV because its depressing.

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More sketches of the kiddos of Camp Weedontwatcha.

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Doodles of the main trio of one of my all time favorite webcomics Camp Weedontwantcha, created by the amazing and . I can't wait for the day this becomes a fully animated show, it deserves it.

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hear me out. magicdweedoo All Stars. Ticket, New Ice York, Mealmates in the one package. on SWITCH. what do you think? do you want it?

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[10+ minute doodle redeem]
Greenox/Weedox, the alter Redox who just. smokes weed

4 17

I’d post this art from my Patreon on Instagram but I’ve been on the shitlist for months now and can’t even get away with censored versions of my art there anymore 🤐

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Thank you to all my instructors and fellow classmates for all your help!! We did it!!!

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weedonat christmas tree

weedonat christmas tree

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Some early sketches for
It's fun to play around with a new character and help bring them to life.
By the time for finals her colour had changed and proportions became smaller.
written by .

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Seventeen from Camp Weedonwantcha

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Just days to go for publication of by ! Written by
In this scene she attracts a LOT of attention.
It was fun to add in so many people, there are about 200 throughout the book and a fair few are real😊

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GDW volume back art volumes 5-8!

Volume 7 is one of my favorite artwork on the back! Little Weedo is so cute😭

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imo if Nickelodeon wanted to make a cartoon with dark/gross-out humor with an interesting style, they should’ve just greenlit Camp Weedonwantcha by Katie Rice

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For me definitely and Camp Weedontwantcha. So much heart,weirdness and humor it would be absolutely perfect to see fully animated.

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