Born in 1755: (1755-1842), French Portrait Painter

Portrait of Hyacinthe Gabrielle Roland, Marchioness Wellesley, 1791

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Take a moment to appreciate the details... 🌹

🎨, Pedro José Díaz (attb to), Portrait of a Young Woman, 1795-1810, Museum purchase with funds provided by Wellesley College Friends of Art
Object No, 2011.17

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The cranky scientist I'll be playing in my friend's delightful Monster of the Week Game. Gideon Wellesley!

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PL: 誄(Albert=S=Wellesley)、あやね(Isla)

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Join us on Nov 15, 2-4:30pm for Davis Discoveries: A Sacra Conversazione, as we explore the hidden history - above and below the surface - of a recently donated 16th-century Venetian painting to the Davis.

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‘Either the British army must be fed and supplied with the necessaries which they require, or I shall march them back into Portugal…’ Wellington to Marquis Wellesley 13th Aug 1809, at the end of his tether re lack of provisions in Spain.

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Arthur Wellesley's army won a decisive victory at
Hugely outnumbered, using the ground (a trademark) AW led from the front, directing aggressive flanking attacks.
Later on when asked his greatest victory Wellington replied "ASSAYE"

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17 August 1808 Battle of Roliça. General Henri Delaborde conducts an expert rear-guard action against the forces of Sir Arthur Wellesley. 5/60th engaged on both flanks, skirmishing through woods and over steep hills. Battalion casualties 6 KIA, 42 wounded, 6 MIA.

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‘Mary Cooper
Jewett Arts Center’
Wellesley College,


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Kiss it Goodbye!
Today is the last day of the 6 month Surface Tension exhibit at the Davis Museum. What a wonderful experience this has been! Thank you to everyone at but especially to ⚡️
In case you're nearby:
106 Central Avenue Wellesley MA
Open 11-5pm

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Thinking back to April when The Davis Museum and Wellesley College treated me to such a special night after Carrie Cushman and I hit the stage.

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If you put Elphinstone’s account next to Wellesley’s account of the Battle of Assaye, the usual picture of a dogged but generally smooth battle sort of unravels into a seat of your pants rollercoaster that could’ve crashed off the rails at any moment.

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We ready.
Tonight -
Davis Museum - 106 Central Street, Wellesley
Collins Theater
Curator Carrie Cushman and I will rock your art world.

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It's nice to be able to get the word out about my projects on social media -- but many of the compelling details of Surface Tension are lost in a JPG. These images are ready for their closeups.
The Davis Museum at Wellesley College

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Henry Wellesley (1st Lord Cowley), brother of the Duke of was rendered a laughing stock after his wife Charlotte very publicly ran off with Lord Paget in 1810.
His memoirs describe the entire event in 5 words:
'It was a domestic occurrence'

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23rd Sept 1803. Battle of Assaye (2nd Anglo Maratha war). Gen Arthur Wellesley (on horse) led East India Company to victory.

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We're happy to welcome Jeffrey Moynihan as a Private Mortgage Banker for our office in Newton/Wellesley, MA.

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21 August 1808 Battle of Vimeiro. French under Junot vs British under Wellesley. British volleys stop uncoordinated French attacks.

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