Team Rocket is amazing + Wobbuffet finally meets Iris

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"Wobbuffett" Pokémon by Akira (age 18)

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202 - Wobbuffet
Type: Psychic

Abilities: Shadow-tag, Telepathy

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Aside from Seviper and Yanmega, each 'mon in Team Rocket's Sinnoh crew share a voice with one of the main four. Carter Cathcart (James, Meowth, Carnivine), Michele Knotz (Jessie, Dustox, Mime Jr.(DP01-52) ) and Kayzie Rogers (Wobbuffet, Mime Jr (DP52 - 191).

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All Pokémon sit.

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Ker-Blitz by u/BaconWobbuffet

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202 - Wobbuffet
Type: Psychic

Abilities: Shadow-tag, Telepathy

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Le obligaron a hacer el bachillerato.

Un pequeño Wobbuffet que he hecho en cosa de una horita con ratón, adoro a este pokémon. Rt si te apetece y si odias el bachillerato o la educación en general.

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Proto Pokemon a day 1231
Proto Wobbuffet?


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If you were to told me at 10 years old that Wobbuffet would be Jessie's partner in Pokemon for 20 years plus, I wouldnt believe you lol. I love what they have

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