One more for Jacquetta Hawkes was an archaeologist and writer who conducted extensive field work during her career. She wrote about her discoveries and about human and neanderthal evolution.

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When Stephen W. Williams needed illustrations for his manuscript, he asked his wife, Harriet Goodhue! Check it out here: via .

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Meet Janaki Ammal Edavalath Kakkat ((1897-1984)
Born in she was a botanist & cytologist trained at the University of Michigan. She worked & served as the Director-General of the Botanical Survey of India.

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Mae Jemison became the first African American woman to travel to space in 1992.

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Mary Higgs OBE lived in 1st woman to gain the Natural Science Tripos at in 1874. Taught maths&science at Grammar & Schools. Suffrage activist.

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Un document précieux pour faire découvrir 40 portraits de chimistes, de physiciennes, mais aussi de biologistes cc de mathématiciennes cc et d'informaticiennes

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From 1737 to 1739 Elizabeth Blackwell published 4 plates a week for her A Curious Herbal containing five hundred cuts of the most useful plants, which are now used in the practice of physick

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