Each and every day you wake up, you are given another opportunity to touch a heart, encourage a mind and inspire a soul. In spite of what is going on in the world around us, you can make a difference today!

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If you ever feel like you'll never draw like one of the artists you admire...Here's 15 years of practice. All it takes is determination. You can do it.

Also lets just laugh at my 2004 art because it's amazing.

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I know it can be hard to follow your dreams, but don't give up!

Unless you plan to murder people.

...You know it's almost like anonymous declarations of positivity are best-case: meaningless, and worst-case: kind of irresponsible.


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Trust that something wonderful is waiting for you at the end of every hardship. 💫

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Hi hi !
Do you have enough motivation to begin the week ? 💪

⏩ If not just look at this gif during on full minute. All gonna be easier after that 😁.

You're welcome ..!

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Good luck to all students sitting today in Science, Chemistry & German and Maths & Sociology.

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My mum bought a 45p reduced-to-clear Rosemary plant from Tesco, gave it a pretty pot and put it in the bathroom. Honestly didn't think it'd last the week but 2 months on it's still thriving. If this little guy can make it, so can you!

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When you let all the weight go...you won't need WINGS to fly....soar!!

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Never ever ever give up.✨ Rejection is a HUGE part of the journey. Keep going and unbelievable things (and maybe cartoon characters!) can happen. DREAMS COME TRUE. ☺️💖

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We can do it! I can do it! You can do it! Let’s do it!


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Don't 👏 be 👏 afraid 👏 to 👏 put 👏 yourself 👏 and 👏 your 👏 art 👏 out 👏 there 👏 you 👏 are 👏 worth 👏 it 👏 You 👏 don't 👏 know 👏 unless 👏 you 👏 take 👏 risks

💖 Be brave you can do this 💖

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Here's to everyone navigating the holiday season! A barn swallow soaring through skies for this week's

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'The Prisoner Workout: Bodyweight Exercises for Small Spaces'. A prison workout devised by British prisoner, as illustrated by 'Art of Manliness'.

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