Here's the result from yesterday's Tag Team live demo with and Martin Deschambault at

See more of their work on ArtStation:

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"Edge of Extinction: Code Name Flood" by Eric Deschamps. Digital. Featured in Spectrum 24.

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"Didier Deschamps accusant le coup après l'annonce de ", une oeuvre de

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La de football vient de s'achever, félicitations au et félicitations aussi à ce personnage de Siby Ogawa (Drielack Legend), qui s'entraine dur pour un jour être un champion lui aussi ^^

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The state of world peace today, according to Luc Descheemaeker:

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Happy Cinco De Mayo!  Besides being a gorgefest in the USA, it’s the day Mexico beat the French against crazy odds. I love lucha libre wrestlers.  

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A pole dancer friend loved the idea of a poster w pole dance moves A to Z. I started w Allegra. Poster (24x36) w 26 moves. If I get 35 orders for $35 each then they will b 4 sale. Dropping them as gifs.

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"Deschutes River Grasses" 6x6 in, by Cathleen Rehfeld
This little painting is a study for a large painting. I'm working on a series of large paintings of waterways. I'm getting some compositions and colors worked out.

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Photography by Alexandre Deschaumes.

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Martin Deschambault
Senior Concept Artist Ubisoft Montreal

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