It's (7/22-7/26) and we're celebrating with some examples from Peter Maassen's "Beitrage zur Schmetterlingskunde" (1872). The amateur lepidopterist completed the book with friend & entomologist Gustav Weymer.

In :

10 21

7/3からいよいよプリン・オブ・ストライド THE LIVE STAGE Epidose4が配信開始か~EOSどこが優勝するんだろう~🥺方南にも西星にも勝ってほしいし陸と巴が仲良く走れるようになるといいな🏃🏃‍♂️

18 29

Este... ESTE VA DE INTREPIDO POR LA VIDA, es simpatico pero parece que también se enfada.....

0 2

Un Art-trade (?) que hice con

-Melohabíael7deabril pero enesosdias estabaMUYocupado ylotuvequehacerloel19deabril cuandotenia algodetiempo, y undíadespués lemostré el dibujodemasiadotarde,
lepido unadisculpapor tardarme enhacerlo u_uU-

Espero que les guste ;D

1 3

oculudentavis, a very small, very adorable reptile. it was most likely not a dinosaur but a lepidosaur but I prefer painting feathers

1 2

Moths and the park: The moths of the British Isles, by Richard South, 1907-09, BHL/Smithsonian.......2 vols .......

0 3

📣For the 1st time, a pan-European🌍 & time-calibrated for ALL in existence allows tracing back their evolutionary divergence 100 millions ago!


42 110

5/4 に開催されましたお題色Epidote『A05580』

3 18

Hey! I am Tyger, Chinese/Italian 33y.o Massage Therapist/Freelance Art thing. Married to a red dragon.
I enjoy a great many things, few to list are cooking, hockey, tabletop rpg, hiking, eating, music, lepidoptera, making stuff, anime, and many things lol

6 60

The 1st time-calibrated phylogeny of all 496 extant species in Europe, incl. 18 localised endemics with no public DNA sequences previously available.

🔓Data paper:

112 253

巨大な「本の虫」 ラムズデレピディオン

0 7


4 15

A short note: Running out of May days, but not out of mushrooms. Will most likely continue some mayshrooms into next month. 🍄🦊

1 6

Close-up of rainbow Lepidocyrtus springtail, incl. some of their scales! So the scales themselves are transparent & it is the light refraction that creates the color. Wish I had access to a more powerful scope or an SEM to check out the structure...

16 107

Days 11-15
Crepidotus, Bamboo Fungus, Devil’s Cigar, Marasmius

3 6

Wrinkled peach and Crepidotus mushrooms for ! Video process up for my patrons on , these have all been done with so far, and I’m definitely feeling more comfortable as i do more.

1 0

[2000 years late news gj rara] but I've been accepted in Arkflaw!!
Here's my Arkflaw app I recently finished
195cm Milkman Lepidolite🥛

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