Some Lord of the Rings stuff, by Alan Lee

Gandalf, Gollum, Bilbo, a few dwarfs and Treebeard

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From back in September 2018, when I randomly picked up TLOTR and it apparently was Bilbo's and Frodo's birthday. So here, have some hobbits, to celebrate a start of an amazing story! ✨

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イライジャ・ウッド うーん微妙…?💧

18 219


0 1

Just found out my own sister has never seen movies I feel so betrayed

1 3

The Lord of the Rings - You shall not pass !

Florent Broissand
Jian Guo
Brent Woodside
Joshua Hixson

6 32

“I meant to go back …wonder at the powers of Mirkwood…visit Lake-town…see the Lonely Mountain again ”

13 38

Some Lord of the Rings stuff, by Brent Woodside

0 22

In the deep of the Misty Mountains, Gollum !

Matt Ferguson
Marko Manev
Nikolas Ilic
Jake Murray

2 32

The Lord of the Rings trilogy, by Johan Egerkrans

22 77

You shall not pass !

John Howe
Corinne Roberts
Mark Lone
Karl Fitzgerald

You shall stay at home ! 🦠

2 24

If I could make a few impossible trips, the first place would be The Argonath, Pillars of the Kings...

Matt Ferguson
Cliff Cramp
John Howe
Ted Nasmith

18 104