Klo sekilas baca sih sebener'y isi cerita'y ttg pak guru(cardi kuning) aja yg jd guru baru & ketemu tmn'y yg sm jd guru (kemeja biru) di saebit school & anak" lom itu sekilas" aj di behind the desk(btd), klo g slh kata'y dr bl game(?) kurang paham jg cz cuman bca BTD aja sih 😁

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Venture Bros for introduced me to the daily lives of henchmen.

What do you think? Are there henchmen/thug centered comics like Henchmen 21 & 24 from Venture Bros? Should there be?

Do you think they have a bowling league? Darts? Pool maybe? TTG group?

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How do you choo-se a design for a Lovecraftian train, a beacon of light in a twisted landscape? Discover the process with these BTS images from The Tall Grass!

Find more TTG artistry here: https://t.co/259DFMgDJE

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Fair game on the rest, but I feel like singling out the TTG creators' involvement as a catalyst for the movie potentially being bad isn't 100% fair.

Aside from the previously mentioned show, they've also been involved with some more generally well-liked cartoons:

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Yo!!! I've finally finished drawing all three of the Raffle Art for the winners of my art raffle.
Characters and winners are the following:
- Miia ()
- TTG Beast Boy ()
- Matthew ()
Hope you guys like it.

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bukan ttg sekolah sih, tapi lebih ke magical girl yang masih anak sekolahan. Ini seragamnya biru tua ada logo sekolahnya... yang jadi ciri khas itu bentuk kancingnya yang persegi

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saya Asido, saya orang Indonesia, saya lumayan mengerti dan lumayan setuju dengan cuitan Mas ini ttg , bisa dijadikan pacuan utk mengenal budaya Indonesia, meskipun disni cmn hanya satu hehehe
ini karya seri bernama Restorasi Masa Lalu (2021) https://t.co/AALK2Ggnuf

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Gaya yg indonesia tu kyk gmna? Justru bagus kan stylenya mendunia.
Lagian yg gayanya "nggak indonesia" itu blm tntu g prnah brkarya ttg kearifan lokal, coba deh kepoin karya2 mrka lbh jauh 🙂
Btw style sm tema gk bisa dibanding2in begitu sih, kali yg km mksud itu tema https://t.co/iHqSzTGJA0

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TTG teman tapi gelut

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Some doodles based on MariaPurplehill fic: Polarity | ttg.zgls
Did I thirst for CEO Zhongli? God, yEs- thats why I end up search for that specific tag and end up with this
The link to the fic is in reply and thank the author so much for writing such an amazing story!

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sebuah ttg submisi karyaku yg kuikutin lombanya penagama agustus kemarin?? kalo ga salah ya.

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Oiya, aku pernah bikin fanart ttg atsumai di base (klo kalian inget)

Ku drop versi remake nya (pen dibagusin lagi klo ga mager)


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Starfire’s outfit is so pretty in Manor and Mannerisms! Like the earrings and dress looks SO COOL ON STARFIRE!!

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