bruxa de hoje
a tempo finalmente KLJADKLSJADS

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Hello, art by me uhu

J'suis plutôt fier du résultat ~

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P'tit cadeaux des familles pour quelqu'un de fb uhu

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some doodles for dA, i'm blessed to have cute kids to practice drawing hair uhu

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僕の自慢の作品だけ載せときます( ̄∇ ̄)笑

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A old picture I found of her, from 10 years ago in 2007 !!

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今月11日うーふーアイドル村に出演します!私の初CD発売日♡全曲オリジナルやるょ!みんな11日はUHUに来てくれたらうれしぃな!ご予約まってますっω ’ * ) チ ラ ッ

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i had a go at this!!! tho they didn't have my hair colour it's a lot darker uhu

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uHU i hope i didn't butcher her// Ruumi is so cute adkhjfhks //wEEPS
for ! there's more coming just wait B)

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Uhu!! I finished old on Chen!! My first try... hmmm... 😳💧

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