Twilight: Your very own STUDENTS!

Unikitty: *enters the office* Hiiiiii!!

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Unikitty: I’m so sorry I was rough... I just want to protect my kingdom... I MUST protect my kingdom...!!

Lachlan: (She’s a little overzealous... but I guess she’s going through a lot right now...) *smiles* Hey listen, don’t bite off more than you can chew and just be yourself.

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Sunny: Wait, I thought you said five.

Twilight: I saved the best for last! My daughters!

*then, Raven and Unikitty arrived*

Raven: S’up?

Unikitty: Hiiiii~!

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*but as she celebrated, she saw Lachlan a few feet away looking pretty banged up and realised... Discord didn’t manipulate her to fight him... she attacked him... and when he was only trying to help her...*

Unikitty: *gasp* What have I done?!

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Unikitty: Don’t test me!! And as for *you* (Lachlan), I said I can handle this on my own, and I don’t need your help!!

Lachlan: Geez, chill out for a sec, will ya?

Unikitty: It’s hard for me to “chill out” with you still here!

Lachlan: Is that a problem, pussycat?

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Unikitty: *growls* I WILL BREAK YOU, GOATMAN!!

Lachlan: *whistle* That’s pretty tough!

Unikitty: He’s my opponent, go away!

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Unikitty: Now where could my brother have gone off to?

*of course, he was with Winona*

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Puppycorn: *sniff* “Unikitty... I really miss our Mom and Dad...”

Unikitty: “I know little bro, but we’ll find them someday... someday...”

Yeah, the poor royal siblings still wish to see their parents someday, an actual storyline in “Hi Hi Unikitty”.

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Unikitty: What is going on...?!

Rarity: *hiss!* Water!! Get that away from me!!

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Unikitty: Applejack! Something strange is going on, everyone is acting like cats, and-

Applejack: I hate to interrupt you, but could I get a little scratch behind the ears?

(Cats love that!)

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Unikitty: *deep inhale* Oh my gosh this place looks so amazing I’ve never seen anything like this oh my gosh there’s a roller coaster in this hotel there’s games food dancing *she goes on and on and on*

Sweetie Belle: Yep, she likes it.

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Unikitty: You’re not?

Gilda: Of course not, I remember that cool fire thing you did, but I know you didn’t do that on purpose.

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Gabby: It’s great to see you too! Oh, Unikitty! Gilda wants to speak to you!

Unikitty: (Oh boy...) Okay... *approaches her* (Here goes nothing...)

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Unikitty: *gasp* And Gilda is with her too! *she hides behind Applebloom shaking*

Gilda: *she has a calm cool face which means she’s friendly-ish this time* Hey girls.

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Sweetie Belle: Yeah, you know you can rely on your friends, Unikitty! All you have to do is ask for help.

Unikitty: (Rely... on my friends...)

Applebloom: There are some things ya can’t do alone.

Scootaloo: But when you can, it’s still better with friends by your side!

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Unikitty: You really like Rainbow Dash, don’tcha?

Lachlan: Like her? I LOVE her!

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Scootaloo: He’s like the wind!!

Unikitty: Hihihi, what does that mean?

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Unikitty: Um... *stammering* I.. uh....

Lachlan: So, there IS a relationship.

Unikitty: (I can speak for myself...) *assertively* It’s none of your business! This is my responsibility!!

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Lachlan: Hm... if I recall... your name is “Unikitty”, right?

Unikitty: Yes, I’m Unikitty...

*then, the blue Pegasus who seems to be very protective of the dingo, confronted Unikitty*

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Unikitty: *she thinks: So, that’s Lachlan Dingo... he was that puppy I saw back in Ponyville*

*then, six big colourful ponies showed up around the corner too, as the purple alicorn approaches the crusaders*

???: Girls, be careful! Come here!

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