So a werewolf, a vampire, and a witch walk into a bar...

7 19

so this bitch (me) was re-reading Crange and the Bartender and i fuckkiiiinnn noticed... this lil.... familier truck in the background... and the fact that Emerson isn't... in front of the bar....

0 2

A depressed divorced dad walks into a bar...//

0 2

So Cupid and an incubus walk into a bar....

21 99

So a panda walks into a bar...

6 21

//Subject 09...
"That "fuckin' nobody"... is Lupus Fucking Arcum. He once killed three men in a bar... with a Jalapeño, a fucking Jalapeño!."

Surprise! You guys have motivated me to try drawing more, hope everyone likes it! High Res will be available to patrons soon! 🍓

9 101

E-eh? n-no... there is nothing wrong with my outfit... t-t-this is normal around this b-bar... n-now... take your drink... a-and order whatever you like... m-master...

//found this and thought it would be fun to use for fun

3 25

A cobra dragon, beaver, platypus, and featherless chicken walk into a bar...

0 0

so a con woman, a hardened hunter, and an erotic novelist walk into a bar...

21 239

Mystique and the joker walk into a bar.... 💓😊 hi hehe

100 957

ikutan yaa aku suka gambar... gambar buah, sayur, hewan... sm kdg fanart dan paling suka bikin fanart harpot eheh
sm aku ada channel youtube gituuu 😳🙌

1 8

Shingo Araki + DBZ Estilos fusionados... Otro experimento que quize probar... Queria saber que tal pintaban los Marcadores copic... pero no me gusto como quedo... Debi pintarlo de otra forma... La cual ya descubri con Marcadores Sharpie 😱

4 12

A demon, a goddess, a WWI soldier and half-elf walk into a bar... |

1 15

I wasp and a bee walk into a bar...........💛🖤🧡

98 1222

a cinnamon bun and a fluffy bun walk into a bar...
(old drawing, drawn in november 10th last year)

7 20

“Have a wet T-shirt thing at the bar....anyway what you having?”
🥃 Male Rhino bartender
🥃 Bi with no lean
🥃 Mostly tip
🥃 8”2’ tall
🥃 Open dms

45 114