11 stunning photos of Saturn as the Cassini-Huygens mission comes to an end https://t.co/8HJKocirLY

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We built a satellite that spent 13 YEARS sending data back to Earth from a planet 1 BILLION miles away. Our species is incredible.

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artwork by 😭😭😭😭

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you crash into a planet, but just wanna come back and say thanks a lot.

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Gracias por estos maravilloso años. Y hasta siempre, vieja amiga

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"Leviathan." The monstrous, planet-circling storm awakened in 2010 is one of my top Cassini events.

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In a few hours the Cassini spacecraft will burn up and die. Thank you for two decades of science from the orbit of Saturn 😢🛰☄️

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Cassini y Saturno, en español. Gracias a por la traducción.

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False-color view from NASA's spacecraft shows clouds in Saturn's northern hemisphere.

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Cassini has taken over 453,000 images of Saturn and its moons. I picked 100 to mark the mission’s end: https://t.co/FfJXOiejWI

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As Cassini approaches its destiny, I look to the past to see possible futures: https://t.co/xfQmzNfOhX and https://t.co/tth6r1kepc

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Here's the North Pole....on Saturn! Cassini-Huygens' epic journey to the ringed planet, now coming to a close https://t.co/hLLHCmTfUL

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-¡Listo! ¡He completado mi misión!
+Supongo que ahora te irás a casa, Cassini…
-Saturno, tú eres mi casa ahora.


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Three days to go! On Friday will end its 20-year mission. See what it's taught us so far https://t.co/3rlOING7O0 via

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