The second best JoJo girl after young Joeseph Joestar! (that might change whenever part 6 is animated haha)

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Some base edits of my new OC, Menthe au Lait! Got her from someone on Equestria Amino, and I love her. ^^

Bases: Pegasski, MeiMisuki

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Remembered I needed to finish this. Took several hours but it’s finally done. Scanned inks, Photoshop CS3, Wacom Cintiq.

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I havent draw JiheiMisa for really long. Also a giftart for Konnie's birthday today /////

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La mort n'est pas gentille. C'est sombre, noir, aussi loin que vous pouvez voir, et vous êtes tout seul.

Fanart :

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urge al sole
baciare le tue forme


il bello

che sfiora
il vedere

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네.. 개학해서 무통보 잠수 탄 그 타이겐 오너입니다... 어우 접속도 거의 안했는데 너무 뻔뻔한건 아닌가 생각이 드네요.. 멘션주시면 팔로하겠습니다! 🤗🤗

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