Extra tweet just for germ! Such a wonderful Birb
Huge shoutout to my buddys and for helping me out with these <3 (2/2)

4 16

This is Prince Jarah! He's okay with admiration as long as you stay a respectful, germ-free distance away! Unless you're bringing him a refill for his tea, anyways.

I realized his tail came out a bit too long, but it wouldn't be more than a few inches shorter in actuality, so~!

83 431

He is just too cute! 😭💞
Germ Tolentino belongs to ✨✨✨

3 40

I loved this game. I need to play it again with a different approach to discover all the other stories from the characters. My bf liked Germ and I liked Mae so i drew them together

7 15

Meet Coughus Interruptus, The Phlegmish Master, Lung Phooey, and Under-The-Weather Man. These are the germ characters of for

0 1

alice's job is to shrink and go into bodies and deliver medication to help organs recover! one day alice goes missing in a body and its up to her galpal to find her... along the way she picks up a little germ nicknamed the cheshire cat

1380 5233

He may look cute, but Sherm the germ can make you feel just awful! Keep germs at bay this cold & flu season with help from this simple board book: https://t.co/pcISeMc4K9

2 3

Some Germ noots for you all (In original, festive, hatless and Litw style for and their discord)

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"Could you look after the dog?" (Frankfurt, UB, Ms. germ. qu. 12, fol. 50r)

19 43

디트리히는 악마의 아들이고,힘이 넘치면 입에서 불을 뿜는다...뭐 전설이 다 그렇지.
영웅 시구르드와 싸우는 디트리히 폰 베른.1420년대 필사본 삽화.Cod. Pal. germ. 359, Bl. 049r

10 8

High Five
[Cod. Pal. germ. 438]

212 467

10 Hours.
Don't mind the lack of shading!
Already on DA/Tumblr <3

8 23

A Strange Encounter - St Brendan and the Sea Monster
[Cod. Pal. germ. 60]

92 214

De rote Blick (1910)

The epitome of expressionist art. Arnold Schoenberg, a Jewish composer/painter living in Germ.

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1420年頃 UB Heidelberg Cod. Pal. germ. 336 f.233r
15世紀 BSB Cgm 250 f.258v

161 131

15世紀 SBB Ms. germ. fol. 1416 f.212v

46 57