The Amazing Spider-Man (2018)
Spider-Man has a little help from his spider-friends and a difficult decision to make. Writer Nick Spencer, Penciler Marcelo Ferreira, Roberto Poggi, Colorist David Curiel: A bit overlong, but the external/internal dialogue was fascinating. 4/5

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Barry worrying about iris in his sleep in the new comic issue
The Flash - “Lightning Strikes” (2020)

written by Andy Lanning & Ron Marz
art by Clayton Henry & Marcelo Maiolo

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Marcelo from Jujutsu Kaisen is a Brazilian picolé seller on the praia!

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Buenos días! Si tenéis IG os recomiendo que sigáis ter a los amantes del terror, el artista Marcelo Vignali creó unos mini Jason Vorhees y Michael Myers, monísimos y en sus viñetas podéis disfrutar de otros personajes del mundo del terror

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As the world’s heroes rush to stop the freezing conditions across the globe, the Flash speeds directly into Black Adam!

W: ,
A: ,
L: ,

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Gracias Draven!!

Buenas soy Marcelo, Artista 2D y Freelancer, mis areas de trabajo son la Ilustración, el pixelart y la animación de personajes.
Actualmente estoy abierto a cooperaciones, contrato y comisiones
-Discord: Tadash

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And also, Future State: Justice League Dark artwork, which is pretty wild stuff. That one is by Ram V., Marcio Takara, Marcelo Maiolo and Rob Leigh.

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The Amazing Spider-Man (2018)
Sin Eater gathers a posse. Writer Nick Spencer, Penciler Marcelo Ferreira, Inker Roberto Poggi, Colorist David Curiel: A gang of masked men ready to do violence, hits pretty close to home. 3.5/5

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🇧🇷Amanhã (04/12) ás 16h vou trocar uma idéia com o co-criador das Tartarugas Ninja, Kevin Eastman mediado por Marcelo na .
🇺🇲Tomorrow at 2 PM EST I'll be chatting with TMNT co-creator, Kevin Eastman on with host Marcelo .

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Olá! Sou Marcelo! tenho 18 anos e faço ilustrações digitais!
Normalmente é arte de pokémon, mas eu prometo que faço outras coisas tambem haha.

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Oi, meu nome é Marcelo,eu tenho 18 anos e tento desenhar

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Teen Titans - (W)  (A)  (A/CA) Marcelo Maiolo (CA)  (VCA) - in stores this week! -

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Aquele cantor Joao Marcelo se parece muito com Miles Teller 🤔👀

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ALL Backers will receive another colorful, 80's/90's feel Trading Card featuring CHIEF TALON.

Art: Marcelo Oliveira
Colors: Michael Woods

Please spread the word. Thanx

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