Le second chapitre de "Our Colorful Days" est désormais disponible au format numérique ! Mais qui est donc le mystérieux individu apparu tandis que Sora dormait ?! https://t.co/XmhqlXnhZf

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Congrats to highlighter for winning the Other Metagames Grand Slam IV! Replays -> https://t.co/yTahqtNEbX

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I did this fan art for the game My Child Lebensborn yesterday as it won a BAFTA.

Give it a try! It's a very special gaming experience that sticks with you long after finishing ❤

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Tonight Odyssey is up for Best Game and is up for the Performer award for her role as Kassandra at the awards tonight 😃 Good luck to everyone involved!

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Avez-vous vu le hashtag ? Il est apparu lorsque a raconté ses mésaventures discriminantes à la Il permet désormais de mettre en avant la diversité et mixité dans les studios. Si vous travaillez dans un studio, partagez votre photo !

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“Todos estamos necesitados de maestros y guías, en todos nosotros habita el alma del esclavo o el deseo igualmente esclavo de tiranizar”
Dolores Castrillo sobre “Así habló Zaratustra” de Friedrich Nietzsche *

Imagen de Gengoroh Tagame * "Slave Training Summer Camp"

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My happiest gaming memory was when I was first introduced to crash bandicoot 2 by my next door neighbour friend. Every since then I’ve loved crash bandicoot with his spin attack, his death animation and of course his VICTORY DANCE!!!.

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Just a Random Things.
-Reference used-

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From Raichu to Stunfisk, learn about the top Electric-types of PU metagames past and present! https://t.co/Mt8djLbyj1

Art by https://t.co/Y67A6Z99kN

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Der Modus für unser neuestes WiFi-Turnier im Februar ist das RarelyUsed, welches im letzten Monat viele Änderungen erlebt hat und wir uns dadurch in einem komplett neuen Metagame befinden.
Folge dem Link zur Anmeldung und mach mit!

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Here are some helpful images as you reference Zak S in days to come. You’re welcome.

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