The official release of Vroid looks neat, later on going to update the model using cloth layering to not have all the jacket elements in one texture. Finally Vroid gets impressive default texture and I can finally add my glasses I’ve neglected for the pain they were to do before

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Lighting and texture. I was playing around with the texture and ended up liking it.

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I want to make hair texture.. What color hair textures should I make??

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Hi !
I just added the "Emotional Flowers" to my 😊
In this collection of my original paintings, I tried to express human emotions through flowers by using colors and texture.
The collection link 👇

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She's finished! I even added some chainmail texture.

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Felicity Flutter Rock Fall Watercolour and Graphite on Pencil
Felicity likes to challenge herself to paint difficult subjects such as water and skies. Recently She has been combining watercolour with drawing to incorporate more mark making and texture.

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コミュニケーションウィンドウのテスト。Camera Culling Mask と Render Texture を使用。これらを使っていないモデルと比較。
Communication window test by using Camera Culling Mask and Render Texture. Comparison with a model not using them.

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Hey I’m a UK artist currently looking for Entry Level/Trainee background painting and visual development positions in the animation industry! I paint intriguing locations saturated in colour and texture.

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Day 11 of Ghoulish Dinosaurs. It seems we can’t escape Allosaurus and Tyrannosaurus, they’re fixtures of creepy dinosaur art. Not so sure what the other two are supposed to be. These all seem like salamanders stretched into dinosaur shapes, largely due to the glossy skin texture.

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I made a drawing of my cat Princess, took about 2 hours mostly practice for fur texture.
Enjoy the timelapse! 💛

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OK I finally managed to get something decent and fairly easy to animate. Let me tell you about the plan: animate the shading with simple blobs of colors, THEN mixing things up to add a little bit of crispiness and texture.

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When I listen to music, every sound, every rhythm has a unique colour and texture. I see melody dancing, changing like the northern lights in the sky. My brushstrokes aspire to capture every note. My soul hypnotises in the unique painting style.

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To test coloring and lighting with sketch line directly.
The efficient didn't as good as I expected because it took me extra time to fix dirt and unbalanced line colors in the end. My sketch line wasn't good enough to hold the sketchy texture. 😅

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Quick update on the cow TF filter texture.

And new link :
Cow TF |

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So New Brush is stopping me being obsessive about polished perfect. Which is a battle. But it's sort of working?
So Much Texture.

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This piece in particular. aaaa feel like looking at a fine looking Dior handbag but not able to purchase. sobsss the colours and texture. superb amazing art

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work in progress (no texture. the model may change)

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Thank you so much for the art share! Hi, hello, I'm czarfunkle a queer, non-binary digital illustrator and kitchen witch! I love playing with style, color, and texture. October commissions are open!

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