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is a racist terrorist! Not crazy or confused . Cartoon for by

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Thranduil and Gloin - RACIST DADDIES by Kibbitzer http://t.co/eDOuuNGib6

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"Rescue boats? I'd use gunships to stop migrants." They were using gunships hundreds of years ago

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Roger Moore denies racist comments about Idris Elba playing James Bond http://t.co/aaixNE4LoQ

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The story about the racist chant from OU SAE? What does it say that my first reaction was, "why am I not surprised?"

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Racist Santa scoutin the darkness.

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When we asked Mr Powell from the Poundshop to join us he said we were “too racist for his liking”

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The Not-Racist Butt

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wow.. someone removed me on skype cause he claimed my hank hill picture was racist? wtf? the idiots in this fandom..

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You know why this is a drawing because this would never happen oops 😉

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Is this default drawing on the S3 a bit racist or is it just because I'm reading it with a Korean accent?

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Is it racist if i say this painting is a wanna-be beaner?

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arrested for too much freedom of speech i.e. painting over a racist anti Muslim poster!

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