YESOD, a town near TRUMPTON! 👍😉

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Yeah, we wish you would have joined them too..... since that debacle was the perfect Trumptonian allegory.
But wait a sec - weren't you busy golfing today?

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Its and our contribution is a t-shirt design celebrating a classic bit of British stop-motion animation - Camberwick Green. Would you want to be stuck in a lift with Windy Miller?

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Don't forget to join The Tufty Club on today at 4.45pm. Animated by Bob Bura and John Hardwick of Trumptonshire immortality, it also features music by Carey Blyton.

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There was something odd about the firemen, after the incident at the cloning factory

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Unlike the we at are happy to publish the controversial cartoons of the prophet

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When we asked Mr Powell from the Poundshop to join us he said we were “too racist for his liking”

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